So I’m taking a break from my work sprint right now. Very welcome. Thanks, me.
I’m writing from my iPhone on my trampoline in my trapezoidal bedroom. Also thanks.
I ground down 265 trouble tickets to a paltry 197 in the span of a couple hours. Just as I think life can’t possibly get better, I learn that my husbands offstage meddling is him configuring his iPad Pro to feed our bedroom hifi sound system to play Royksopp and now
my ears are subsequently gasminggggggggg
like, it’s hard to come up with 1. Better rumbling keyboardage and 2. Calf workage so it’s literally really just another sunshine moment in paradise
published not proofread. #NeverLookBackspace! Words, Ideas, Magic copyrighted by Zem at BeTheFuture . this is confidential communication. Protected by US and International law.
On Sun, Apr 7, 2019, at 15:23, Typing Practice wrote: