When Your Friend is Good at Titles


Hi pair of dice,

You learned me much o'er the span of three posts.

You're welcome.

Of course, my retention is already pulling an “inner Aunt Clara” (per Bewitched (which I of course expect you to know)). But life is busy, and it takes just a smidge of pollen to perpootuate a species, so I've much confidence all things will pull together for at least momentary good.

It is all stored there in ROM, for RAM to access at some point in the belligerent future.

Life's magick tricks have been seemingly losing their savor, of late. All this works so long as we don't know (more like remember) how. But sneaking suspicions lead to investigations and/or research, and eventually you find yourself staring into the mirror behind the curtain, blood pre-curdle, objects in photo of one's life slowly beginning to back-to-the-future fade to the actually quite vacuous sites of their repetitions in mind.

You're using the word “magick” wrong in this sequence. Lose the “k”, otherwise pull down some “real” real consequences from the REAL real world(s). Magic is for human trickery. Magick describes something else entirely... Not for the fainthearted. Lighthearted, dark hearted, but not fainthearted!

Yeah, maybe I'll start doing titles. I thought I botched one the other day.

You're good at titles, look:

And this was only in the span of a couple weeks.

Not only were they read, but 90+% response rate.

Copywriters would go briskets over this!