

Conspiratorial Pissings, Lyricless Kerfuffle

Whoooa, just realised both my last posts didn't take. has a thing against me.

Do ya, guys?

Taking a short little “coffee” (matcha and writeas) break from my totally kick ass worknight. Thought I'd drop in and be up a hello.

Speaking of being up a hello


Fucking love that album. Great work music. For me, anywayzle.

Tonight's playlist:

Hours and hours of lyricless electro background noise arranged in musical pentameter

Also layered in the kerfuffle is a 13.8 Hz binaural tone.

And a smattering of vitamins. B complex, magnesium taurate, oestrogen blockers, lithium orotate, butterbur extract, 350 mg centrophenoxine, and 200 mg lamictal. All in all that's a real fine alchemie swirling for me there, and I super recommend it!

Tell me what YOU are listening to?

Another day in, Paradise

— .:~:..:~:..:~:..:~:..:~:..:~:..:~:..:~:..:~:..:~:. published not proofread. #NeverLookBackspace! Words, Ideas, Magic copyrighted by Zem in Paradise. this is confidential communication. Protected by US and International law.

Mastermind: Yeah shopify is way better at selling shopify than it is products. See how whats-her-fuck does it too her site is real simple and chunky i love how she doesnt use fancy shit kardashian’s Mastermind: Yeah when u feel like it: ask in chat how to manually change the SIZE of the product font IN TEH CODE because in settings it only defaults to this small size we need to edit our code manually but you don’t know where Paradise: Ok. Yeah Arapey sucks. Yeah our font is wretched for readability We have to scrap it absolutely Paradise: omg. Kim. haha: “Its silky and has brightening pearls. Buy it stupid girl” Mastermind: oh shit they actually say stupid girl!!?! YEAH so see where to cHANGE IT Paradise: We need another readable font Helvetica now? .. though I think that’s probably not the way to go... Two sans-serifs on the page. Ick. I’ll find a good serif font that is tested high for readability on screens Thats all that matters. High readability... so we can get our text into peoples BRAINS Paradise: No they didn’t say stupid girl, but the way they are using all caps and blunt wording MIGHT AS WELL ADD RADIANCE STUPID MAKE YOUR FACE FRESH AND AWAKENED STUPID WHAT KIND OF WOKE BITCH R U IF U CANT DO THAT STOP MISSING OUT BITCH ENTER YOUR FUCKING EMAIL SO YOU CAN BE PRETTY NO ONE LIKES YOU AS U ARE That’s what KK is subtexting >_< I’m dying that’s hilarious Mastermind: Kuntstache.

Pro tip: I mean, this should be completely obvious, but don't use fonts called aRAPEy. Arapey? A rape-y font? A rapey, unreadable font?

The 💡idea💡 is to make love 💋 to the reader's eyes. 👀 Not, um, #metoo them. 🍆🚷

Lessons learned.

And. Thanks, Kim. For your brutal capslock warlock schlock getting insecure women to follow your cock. Well played, big K.

/me smashing that publishplane.

Another day in, Paradise

— .:~:..:~:..:~:..:~:..:~:..:~:..:~:..:~:..:~:..:~:. published not proofread. #NeverLookBackspace! Words, Ideas, Magic copyrighted by Zem in Paradise. this is confidential communication. Protected by US and International law.

Secret Genius: Didn’t you say you had a good mushrooms connect? Can I have it again Any sort of psychedelic really


The more I write, the happier I am. Written communication brings a calm, natural feeling over my soul.

Do you feel that way?

I deeply appreciate the ability to write persuasively, colloquially.

It's one of life's greatest skills.

And it is a skill, mind you. This isn't innate talent. Anyone can write. Especially when they practice. When one digs in and starts throwing down words — editing and re-editing — OR NOT — until something wonderful comes out.

There's something very tactile, very craftsman-like about massaging messages into place. To an artiste, there's always more to say and better ways to say it. Pieces aren't ever “done”, they just stand for now.

I weave in and out. I zoom into text, I sit back in my chair to take it all in. Back, forth, back, forth. Wondering what the audience sees. Sometimes I zoom REEEEally far out — this is called stepping away from the desk and going to get some ice cream — and that helps a bit. Distance. Making the heart grow fonder. Or. Making the mind go wander.


Honestly I come in here with zero outline or zero idea of what I'm going to say, and while the open window is blank, I just go for it.

I'm starting to get really excited for the Blues and want to see them win the Stanley. Did you know they've never won a Stanley? And only one of the kids on that team has even gotten to a Playoff before? And that their goaltender is a ROOKIE, and that during the season they were DEAD LAST?


I wish we could tag other people's posts — I know a few people who I'd mark as #visionary — which would help others who are seeking visionaries, and not just regular human condition stuff.

Saw a tweet yesterday that I'll try to recreate from memory, because I don't remember who twote it (not my feed).

Said something about...

When men experience paranoia they do so in systemic scale (alien abduction, govt conspiracy theories)

When women experience paranoia they do so at a personal scale (crystal woo, ... and some other stuff I can't remember)


In that way,

Is it sexist to want to see more systemic visionariness? I think women are perfectly capable of systemic thinking. Self nominated case in point. Maybe I'm delusional or an exception, but I don't think so. I have an PHD in overthinking says my girlfriend. But see, so does she.

If we fairer sex were all so liberated to think.

Anyway. #visionary tag. For those expansive thinkers out there, male or female.

Just some thoughts from paradise.


Reading 4 books this week. One new (Danielle) and 3 re-reads.

Here are my favorite excerpts so far. I'm thinking if I comment on them I get to re-teach and re-learn. Totally a win-win. For me.


There seems to be a thread that weaves all of these disparate things together.

The thread is me. Naturally.

Lately I've been


Dear Reader/Friend/Shoulder,

Should I even write like this? To you and me?

I'm having second — nay, third — thoughts.

I'm going to let you in on a secret.


Wellp, our household is having the case of the blahutisms today, as our eldest's condition decided to be a shit in that regard.

But that ain't the energy we wanna bring to the world, innit?

I love the ability to touch these keys and conjure up (with you lot) the world underneath our fingertips.

Plus, I have very good bathroom reading.

Wanna hear what I was reading while making my intestinal rounds today?